2021 Moon to Mars Ice & Prospecting Challenge Participants
- Auburn University
- Title: Obtaining Access to Subsurface Ice Sources (OASIS)
- Advisors: Davide Guzzetti, Ehsan Taheri, Eldon Triggs
- California Polytechnic State University
- Title: Sub-lunar Tap Yielding eXplorer & Surface Telemetry Op. and Next-gen. Excavation Syst. (STYX&STONES)
- Advisor: Peter Schuster
- Colorado School of Mines (DNF)
- Title: Moon/Mars Ice New Exploratory System
- Advisors: Angel Abbud-Madrid, Mark Florida, Deep Joshi
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Title: HYDRATION III: High Yield Dihydrogen-monoxide Retrieval And Terrain Identification On New worlds
- Advisors: Jeffrey Hoffman, Olivier de Weck, Martin Culpepper, Herbert Einstein, Michael Hecht
- Northeastern University
- Title: PARSEC: Percussive And Rotary Surveying & Extracting Carousel
- Advisors: Taskin Padir & Mark Zolotas
- San Diego State University with Collins Aerospace
- Title: Aztec in-situ Resource Extraction System (ARES)
- Advisors: Scott Shaffar, Saeed Manshadi, Barry Dorr
- South Dakota State University
- Title: JAMMER: Jackrabbit Automated Moon to Mars Extractor and prospectoR
- Advisor: Todd Letcher
- Stevens Institute of Technology
- Title: Extraterrestrial Robotic Ice Collector
- Advisor: Eric Williams
- Texas A&M University
- Title: DRilling and Extraction Automated System (DREAMS)
- Advisors: Eduardo Gildin, Robert Skelton, Sam Noynaert, George Moridis
- University of Pittsburgh
- Title: Vaporizer of Underground Liquid for Consumption by Astronaut coloNists (VULCAN)
- Advisors: Matthew Barry (U Pitt), Ismael Mercier (Boeing)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Title: Two-probe AUtomated Regolith Upheaval System (TAURUS)
- Advisor: Kevin Shinpaugh
2020 Moon to Mars Ice & Prospecting Challenge Participants
- California Polytechnic State University
- Title: Sub-lunar Tap Yielding eXplorer (STYX)
- Advisor: Peter Schuster
- Colorado School of Mines
- Title: Drilling Rig for the Exploration and Acquisition of Martian Resources (Team DREAMR)
- Advisors: Angel Abbud-Madrid, Mark Florida, Deep Joshi
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Title: HYDRATION II – High Yield Dihydrogen-monoxide Retrieval And Terrain Identification On New worlds II
- Advisors: Jeffrey Hoffman, Olivier de Weck, Martin Culpepper, Herbert Einstein, Michael Hecht
- Northeastern University
- Title: Northeastern University Probing Regolith and Ice-Extracting System for Mars and Moon
- Advisor: Taskin Padir
- Stevens Institute of Technology
- Title: Extraterrestrial Robotic Ice Collector
- Advisor: Eric Williams
- Texas A&M University
- Title: DRilling and Extraction Automated System (Dreams)
- Advisors: Eduardo Gildin, Robert Skelton, Sam Noynaert, George Moridis
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Title: This is Now a Drill (TINAD)
- Advisor: Subhadeep Chakraborty
- University of Southern California
- Title: Trojan H2O Extraction System & Evaluation of Underground Surfaces (THESEUS)
- Advisor: David Barnhart
- University of Virginia
- Title: Laser-based Extraction of Subterranean Lunar/Martian Ice (LESLI)
- Advisors: Mool Gupta
- Virginia Tech
- Title: Aqua Recirculating Integrated Upheaval System (AQUARIUS)
- Advisor: Kevin Shinpuagh
2019 Moon to Mars Ice & Prospecting Challenge Participants
1st Place:
- West Virginia University
- Title: The Mountaineering Ice Drilling Automated System III (MIDAS III)
- Advisors: Powsiri Klinkhachorn & Ilkin Bilgesu
2nd Place, Most Accurate Digital Core, and Clearest Water:
- Stevens Institute of Technology
- Title: DEIMOS: Drill-based Extraction of Ice-water and Martian Overburden System
- Advisors: Eric Williams
Other Competing Teams (Alphabetical)
- Lightest System Mass: Carnegie Mellon University
- Title: Autonomous Prospecting and Extraction System (APES)
- Advisor: Aaron Johnson, Catherine Pavlov, Heather Jones
- Colorado School of Mines
- Title: Team F.I.R.E. Drill (Fluid and Ice Recovery and Evaluation Drill)
- Advisor: David Dickson, Angel Abbud-Madrid
- Honorable Mention, Best Technical Paper: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Title: HYDRATION – High Yield Dihydrogen-monoxide Retrieval And Terrain Identification On New worlds
- Advisor: Jeffrey A. Hoffman, Martin L. Culpepper, Herbert H. Einstein, Michael H. Hecht, George C. Lordos
- Best Technical Paper Award (TIE): Northeastern University
- Title: Northeastern University Prospecting Underground Distilling Liquid Extractor (NU-PUDLE)
- Advisor: Taskin Padir
- The University of Houston
- Title: Planetary Ice Extractor (PIE)
- Advisor: Ralph Metcalfe
- The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Title: This Is Now A Drill (TINAD)
- Advisor: Subhadeep Chakraborty
- (DNF) University of the District of Columbia
- Title: Firebird Ice Rectifier & Extractor (FIRE)
- Advisor: Sasan Haghani, Jianjun Xu
- Note: This team recused themselves from the challenge in March.
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Title: Overburden Layer Ice to Vapor Extracting Robot
- Advisor: Erik Komendera, Kevin Shinpaugh
2018 Mars Ice Challenge Participants
1st Place:
- Northeastern University
- Title: Northeastern University Planetary Articulating Water Extraction System (NUPAWES)
- Advisors: Taskin Padir
2nd Place:
- West Virginia University
- Title: Development of the Second Generation Mountaineer Ice Drilling Automated System (MIDAS II)
- Advisors: Powsiri Klinkhachorn & Ilkin Bilgesu
Other Competing Teams (Alphabetical)
- Alfred University
- Title: Sub-Surface Archimedes Screw (SASS)
- Advisor: Seong-Jin Lee, Wallace Leigh, Jacob Towsley
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Title: Tartan Ice Drilling System (TIDS)
- Advisor: Aaron Johnson, Sanjeev Singh, Catherine Pavlov
- Colorado School of Mines
- Title: Team MINERS (Martian Ice New-age Extraction and Recovery System)
- Advisor: Angel Abbud-Madrid, William Finch, Alfred William Eustes III, Jason Porter
- Best Technical Paper Award (TIE): Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Title: High Yield Dihydrogen-monoxide Retrieval Assembly (HYDRA)
- Advisor: Prof. Jeffrey A. Hoffman, Prof. Martin L. Culpepper, Dr. Michael Hecht, Prof. Herbert H. Einstein
- Rowan University
- Title: Drill-based Retractable Subterranean Extraction and Unified Separation System (DRSEUSS)
- Advisor: John Schmalzel
- The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Title: This Is Not A Drill (TINAD)
- Advisor: James Coder
- Best Technical Paper Award (TIE); Lightest System Mass: Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
- Title: Virginia Tech Ice Extractor (V-TIE)
- Advisor: Kevin Shinpaugh
- West Virginia University
- Title: In-Situ Ice Chip Extractor (IS-ICE)
- Advisor: Thomas Evans
2017 Mars Ice Challenge Participants
1st Place:
- West Virginia University
- Title: Mountaineer Ice Drilling Automated System (MIDAS)
- Advisors: Powsiri Klinkhachorn and Ilkin Bilgesu
2nd Place:
- Colorado School of Mines
- Title: Project: H.G. WELLS Hidden Ground - Water Extraction Low Load System
- Advisors: Angel Abbud-Madrid, Alfred William Eustes, and Hugh Miller
3rd Place (& Best Technical Paper Award):
- University of Pennsylvania
- Title: Mars Water Horizons
- Advisor: Graham Wabiszewski
Other Competing Teams (Alphabetical)
- Alfred University
- Title: Multi-stage Ice Drilling and Extraction Systemn (MIDaES)
- Advisor: Seong-Jin Lee
- North Carolina State University
- Title: Appetite for Ice
- Advisor: Andre Mazzoleni
- The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Title: FOLGRS
- Advisor: Brett Compton
- The University of Texas, Austin
- Title: Deepspace Excavator
- Advisors: Eric van Oort, Pradeep Ashok, and Mitch Pryor
- West Virginia University
- Title: The In-Situ Resource Extraction System
- Advisor: Thomas Evans
Past Winners & Technical Reports
- 2021 RASC-AL Moon to Mars Ice & Prospecting Challenge Winners
- View 2020 RASC-AL Moon to Mars Ice & Prospecting Challenge Participants
Note: The 2020 Onsite Competition was cancelled due to COVID-19 and no awards were presented. - 2019 RASC-AL Moon to Mars Ice & Prospecting Challenge Winners
- 2018 RASC-AL Mars Ice Challenge Winners
- 2017 RASC-AL Mars Ice Challenge Winners